JUWELIS Moringa: Nature's Nutrient Powerhouse
The Moringa tree is native to parts of Africa and Asia. Its tiny leaves are filled with high amounts of calcium, iron, vitamins, unsaturated fatty acids, and all of the same essential amino acids as any other complete protein, like soybeans or meat. Therefore, it is known as the most nutritious green or "the Miracle Tree." This tiny plant has the exceptional potential to save millions of lives and keep us fit and healthy. This is the new Super Food.
JUWELIS is stepping into this new venture for commercial and humanitarian reasons. The Moringa crop gives farmers an excellent opportunity to enhance their income and lifestyle.
JUWELIS Team - Cambodia 2014
“Transforming Ideas, Nurturing Growth, Shaping a Sustainable Tomorrow.”
JUWELIS Moringa: A Worldwide Endeavor
In 2013, JUWELIS Moringa Global Advantage Association Ltd. was incorporated in Hong Kong. This platform combines buyers, sellers, producers, farmers, and investors under one umbrella.
It took the JUWELIS three years to assemble the perfect players and a solid team to pioneer this new product worldwide. Farmers and processors are prepared in the Indochina region, the Middle East, South East Europe, and Central America. Please see more information on our website of JUWELIS Moringa Global Advantage Association Ltd.